Tissue Foil

For very complex origami designs

This is another form of paper creation using tissue paper glued to a sheet of aluminium foil. The aluminium foil adds strength and phenomenal shaping ability, while the tissue paper adds great colour variability. Consider this sort of paper for models with thick bunches of layers that require a lot of shaping. Sometimes this paper can be bought directly from online shops, with other similar types being sold as sandwich paper.

Steve - Designed and Folded by Xander Perrott

Suitable Paper

Typically made with tissue paper as mentioned previously, as well as standard kitchen-use aluminium foil, preferably smooth and thin (Homebrand is actually better here). Since the aim is to back weaker paper with durable and mouldable foil, in theory any low GSM (<20) paper can be used.

Equipment Required

  • 2 sheets of tissue paper
  • Aluminium foil
  • Spray adhesive OR methyl cellulose glue
  • Cardboard rolls
  • A flat surface


  1. Since you are aiming to glue papers together, the technique for tissue foil is identical to that for double tissue. Please follow the instructions for double tissue preparation with the following changes:
    • Instead of gluing the first layer of tissue to the flat surface, glue it to the foil. Coat the foil with glue (spray or brush) and roll the tissue paper onto it
    • When coating the other side of the foil, carefully lift and flip the foil on the flat surface and repeat the gluing on the other side
  2. There is an option to use spray adhesive or methyl cellulose to glue the paper to the foil. People tend to say the difference is that spray glue is easier to use but does not stick as uniformly to the paper and foil, leading to the issues with messy creasing. One brand that seems to overcome these issues is Super 77 by 3M, but try a few and see what you prefer. Methyl cellulose improves this issue, but is not as easy to use.